Honeywell Arts & Entertainment | Arts In Education
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Honeywell Arts In Education provides over 62,000 arts-infused opportunities for youth. With your gift, you support these important experiences which, in turn, provide tremendous benefit to student learning. When you give to Honeywell Arts & Entertainment, you invest in students and their future. 

The arts have a proven, substantial impact during formative years by improving academic performance, motor skills, confidence, creativity, focus, and collaboration. 


Honeywell Arts In Education is a collection of programs created for educators to reap these developmental benefits in the classroom. Programs are offered at little or no cost to the schools, allowing all students to participate regardless of socioeconomic situations.


Each year, Honeywell education programs provides 62,000 arts-infused learning opportunities for students in 93 schools in 15 counties. With the recent addition of virtual offerings, the program is in an exciting state of exponential growth!


Arts In Education programs are made possible by the generous supporters of The Honeywell Foundation. To learn more about how you can support Education, contact Sarah See at 260.274.1431 or by email.


Steve Seskin: Bullying Prevention through Songwriting

Grammy-nominated Nashville songwriter Steve Seskin presents bullying prevention programs through the art of songwriting. Steve's interactive workshops and assemblies engage students by combining original songs (written by the students!) with an overlying message of acceptance and inclusion.

Visual Thinking Strategies

VTS is a nationally-recognized program that uses visual images and facilitated, student-centered discussions to practice the art of drawing inferences and supporting them with evidence. Participating in VTS helps students strengthen their critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and writing skills.  Learn more about VTS

Arts Integration

The Arts Integration approach refers to how something is being taught rather than what is being taught. Integration modules and resources adhering to curriculum standards are provided to participating educators.

CommUNITY Arts

CommUNITY Arts is a multi-week collaboration between Honeywell Arts In Education and Manchester Community Schools. Teaching artists visit English Language Learner and Spanish 4 classrooms weekly, inspiring students to give voice to their individual stories through visual art and storytelling.

Art Shows & Banner Contests

A complimentary component to school art classes, exhibits and contests featuring original student artwork are held throughout the school year. Exhibits are held in the Honeywell Center's Clark Gallery and on-site in schools, and include celebration receptions for students and families.

Student Matinees

Page-to-Stage Student Matinees bring literature to life by national touring companies. Matinees are held during the school day and take place on Honeywell theater stages.

Media Arts Program

The Media Arts Program is a collaboration between Heartland Career Center, a career and technical education program for high school students. Media Arts provides dual high school and college credit to students in video and sound production with a focus on preparing students for college and/or career.

Summer Arts Camps

Summer visual art and theatre camps are held each summer and led by qualified and talented artists and performers. 


If you'd like to participate in the Honeywell Arts In Education, please contact Kristi Unger, Director of Education at 260.274.1418 or email.


If you are currently participating in our Education Programs, please visit to access educator resources.

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Arts-In-Education programming is generously supported by individual donors and these businesses and organizations:


Duke Energy
Community Foundation
Schlemmer Brothers
Paragon Medical
Flagstar Bank
Wabash Hardware
Community Foundation Howard County.png
Kosciusko Community Foundation
Huntington County Community Foundation

Leah M. Sundheimer Foundation

Administered through Wells Fargo Philanthropic Services

Floyd A. and Frieda S. Guynn Foundation 

Administered through Wells Fargo Philanthropic Services


​​The English-Bonter-Mitchell Foundation



Dave Kunkel and Fred and Mary Brady Endowment Fund

David and Cheryl Reider and Family Fund

David and Jane Mann Endowment Fund


Janet S. Halderman Educational Outreach Endowment Fund


Mary Ann Daymude Foundation Endowment Fund 


The Paul. L. Speicher Endowment Fund

Ralph and Becky Naragon Endowment Fund


Robert and Andris Ross Family Endowment Fund 

Robert and Peggy McCallen Banner Contest Endowment Fund



Bott Mechanical Company

First Bank of Berne

Fulton County REMC

Grandstaff-Hentgen Funeral Service

J & K’s Mega Pet!

Kalenborn Abresist Corporation

Maple Leaf Farms


Miami County Community Foundation

Norris Insurance

Wabash Cannonball Chili for Charity

Wabash County United Fund


Dale Insurance Agency

Community Link Federal Credit Union

Harmon Photography

Heartland REMC

Intertech Products

Martin Yale Industries

Miami Trucking

Paul Davis of Northeast and Northcentral Indiana

Progressive Cancer Care

​Psi Iota Xi 

The Ford Meter Box Company, Inc.

Wabash Kiwanis Club

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