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For ages 55 and up*


A partnership between Honeywell Arts & Entertainment and Living Well in Wabash County 

This fun and casual art class will explore different mediums and techniques. Sign up with a friend, or plan to meet new ones during this weekly social event!


All materials provided

 Free transportation to and from classes is available through Living Well of Wabash County.​

*We’re not strict on minimum age. If you identify as a senior, you are welcome to join!

Every Tues. from 12-2:30 pm

March 18 - May 13

(No class April 1)

Winchester Senior Center

239 Bond St, Wabash, IN 

By the City Park

Exhibit on display May 15-22 at the Honeywell Center, with a reception on May 16 at 5:30 pm. Please note: we ask that all participants commit to attending class every week, in order to maximize the benefit of this amazing offering. 


This program is supported by the Indiana Arts Commission in partnership with the Family and Social Services Administration, and made possible by a grant provided by the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies in partnership with E.A. Michelson Philanthropy. 

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